Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Let It Go

It’s been awhile since I posted.  I decided to sell my current house and move in town.  Apparently moving is among the top stressful life experiences and I believe it. It’s turned my life upside down. 

Last night at improv class (yes I’m still taking classes) – we talked about letting go of control.  Some of us (me included) have a tendency to try and control a scene.  Our scene partner says something and rather than going along with it – we control it and move it in another direction.  Last night my scene partner told me she was trying to kill me.  I tried to convince her not to by saying we hadn't completed our bucket list.  But when we replayed the scene and I accepted that she was trying to kill me it was so much funnier. When we learn to “let go” in improv and just go with it – the scene ends up in unexpected and fun places.

Its no surprise that I try to control the scene especially since my moving experience has been about a complete lack of control.  I had verbally accepted an offer on my house within 48 hours from putting in the on market.  I didn’t realize it was a sellers market until I was making offers on new places and losing out to other buyers.  I made two offers without physically seeing the condo – I took facetime tours with my realtor while I was out of town.  My inner accountant had to learn to let go otherwise I was going to go crazy (and make my friends crazy with me). I eventually found a place to buy – but even if I hadn’t I still would have figured it out.

As a people leader I need to also learn to let things go – I need to focus on outcomes and not the path that people take to get there.  There are multiple roads to the same destination and by letting folks find their own path we’re both learning. Rumor has it that life is about the journey anyway…right?

And if you thought I’d go this entire post without mentioning Frozen…you were mistaken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_DaizJnnJQ

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