Thursday, October 1, 2015

Challenge Accepted.

The past two weeks have been fun filled with company work related events, two of which were on leadership.  I was able to participate in our Women in Leadership meeting & our Leadership Summit.  The best part of these meetings was the interaction with leaders throughout the organization, sharing stories and learning from their experiences.  Even though I’ve been with my organization for 6 years, I was able to make new connections and learn from new peeps.  These types of events always instill a new energy in me. 

The one non-work related event in all of this was a book-signing event for Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson.  The author drove home what it means to be a leader, is the definition of authentic, vulnerable and brave and is impacting many people’s lives by sharing her story in a very public way.  I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear her speak and feel inspired after hearing her.  She’s a reminder that great leadership is around us and we need to watch, listen and learn. 

The past couple of weeks weren’t just about being a better leader…but being a better human. Challenge accepted. 

If you haven’t heard about Jenny Lawson, please check out her blog